1960s Classic Pontiac Cars
The 1960s Classic Pontiac Cars Channel covers the top Pontiac models of the decade. See what's under the hoods of 1960s classic Pontiac cars.
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The 1967 Pontiac Firebird Sprint came onto the automotive scene a little later than Chevrolet's Camaro, but when the Firebird arrived, it came on strong. Learn more about the 1967 Pontiac Firebird Sprint in this article.
Being first is relatively easy; staying first isn't. Pontiac may have created the muscle car in 1964 with the GTO, but the company had to work hard to match proliferating competitors. Pontiac struck back with the fully redesigned 1968-1969 Pontiac GTO & Judge.
The 1968 Pontiac Firebird 350-cid HO V-8 engine, with high-performance camshaft, better exhaust-gas scavenging, and revised carburetion, delivered 320 horsepower, 35 more than its 326-cid predecessor. Learn more about the 1968 Pontiac Firebird 350 in this article.
The 1968 Pontiac Firebird Sprint Convertible proved high-performance and folding tops could go hand in hand. Learn more about this muscle car in this article.
Had GM division chief John DeLorean gotten his way, the Firebird would've been a low-cost sister to the Corvette. But the market couldn't support two sports car models, so DeLorean had to settle for a "Pontiacized" version of Chevy's four-seat Camaro.
After three successful years, the 1965-1968 Pontiac Grand Prix declined in both sales and design. But if more glitter and gadgets were evident, so was more power that enabled performance to remain respectable.
The first Pontiac Grand Prix resembled a dressed-up Catalina hardtop coupe with buckets-and-console interior, but the result was striking and sold well.
Chrome and tailfins were out, bucket seats, mag-style wheels, center consoles, and floor shifters were in -- and just about everybody had them. With the 1964-1967 Pontiac Catalina 2+2, Pontiac achieved a combination of power, road-holding, and fine styling superior to any other big Pontiac.
The 1963 Pontiac Catalina 421 H.O. was a popular performance car with a burly street engine. It enjoyed a popularity revival in the early 1960s due partly to its new-found performance image. Explore features of the 1963 Pontiac Catalina 421 H.O.
The 1961-1963 Pontiac Tempest was Pontiac's innovative entry into the compact car market. The story behind the development of the Tempest is one of divisional defiance and cost-conscious innovation. See pictures and read about the Pontiac Tempest.
The 1964 Pontiac GTO has been called the pioneer of muscle cars. The stiff handling and low gas mileage did little to sway the opinions of car enthusiasts with a love of power. Read about the 1964 Pontiac GTO and view a great photo in this article.