1900-1920s Harley-Davidson Motorcycles
The 1900-1920s Harley-Davidson Motorcycles Channel features some of the earliest models around. Check out vintage Harleys at HowStuffWorks.
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The 1905 Harley-Davidson appeared two years after the first Harley-Davidson made its appearance. Only 16 of the 1905 model were ever built. To start the motor, riders would pedal the motorcycle up to speed like a bike. Read about this rare cycle.
The 1920 Harley-Davidson 20-J sported the olive paint that first came in 1917. Styling changes were few during those years. The most notable came in 1920 when the headlight and horn switched places. V-twins still displaced the same 61 cubic inches.
The 1915 Harley-Davidson 11F motorcycle had an advanced-for-its day 11-horse F-head V-twin engine. A proper three-speed transmission was offered along with a magneto and electric lighting system incorporating a taillight. Read about this historic Harley.
The 1916 Harley-Davidson J motorcycle was a leap forward in style with a longer lower appearance. Other than the kickstarter, however, there were few mechanical changes of note for this year. See pictures and learn about the 1916 Harley J.
The 1925 Harley-Davidson JD motorcycle introduced Harley's familiar tear-drop-shaped fuel tank. Sidecars were popular accessories of the day as these vehicles often served as a family's primary form of motorized transportation. Read about the Harley JD.
The 1927 Harley-Davidson BA was a single-cylinder motorcycle that was economical but sold poorly. Two versions of the single were offered: a flat-head with eight horsepower and an overhead-valve variant producing twelve horsepower. Read about the Harley BA.