About Harley-Davidson Motorcycles

Learn more about Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Get details and specs on all your favorite models, plus learn about the mechanics and science behind the beloved motorcycle company.

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Whether they’re roaring down the California coast or converging on Daytona Beach, hogs have generated some serious fans throughout their colorful history. See how the famous bike has changed its image over the years.

In 2003, Harley-Davidson celebrated 100 years of building distinctly American motorcycles. This article traces the development of the machines and the legacy of the "Harley mystique." Read how Harley-Davidson survived when other manufacturers failed.

By the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide

It could be the distinctive body styling, or maybe it's that tellatale sound. There's just something about Harley-Davidson motorcycles that hundreds of thousands of folks can't resist. Find out all about this motorcycle icon.

By Marshall Brain


There is no denying that a Harley-Davidson motorcycle has a unique sound. So makes a Harley sound different from other motorcycles?