NASCAR History
NASCAR history begins with bootleggers racing from town to town during Prohibition. Over the next 60 years, NASCAR developed into a giant of a racing circuit. NASCAR history is linked with American history and is full of interesting tales.
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Green race cars are considered unlucky on the NASCAR circuit. It's a superstition that began more than 100 years ago - decades before NASCAR was even formed. So why is the color green associated with failure in stock car racing?
The high-octane stock car races characteristic of NASCAR have become an American institution. But is it true that this billion-dollar industry traces its roots back to Prohibition?
Stock car racing was born in the days of Prohibition and has since exploded into the No. 1 spectator sport in the United States. How did Bill France make that all happen?
If you've ever seen a race car take-flight during a race, then you know how quickly one can suddenly resemble a low-flying aircraft. How do race car drivers keep their wheels on the ground?
For anyone interested in becoming involved in NASCAR or racing, the United States Auto Club is the place to start. So what all does the organization do for the sport and how can you become a member?
By Simon Shadow
NASCAR's gentleman's agreement was an unwritten rule that governed the behavior of the drivers in NASCAR's top racing series for almost 30 years. So what happened to the rule? Are there no gentlemen in racing anymore?
If you live for long weekends spent at the track, submerged in the whine of the engines and the roar of the cars as they shoot by, then you may want to learn more about the National Hot Rod Association (NHRA). What do they do?
By Simon Shadow
They call the Daytona 500 "The Great American Race." We've sorted through five decades of thrills and spills and pinpointed the 10 best ever races of the Daytona 500. See the list -- and let the NASCAR arguments begin.
By Larry Woody