Car Towing

Car towing can end in disaster if you don't have the proper know-how. To ensure a safe and incident-free trip, make sure that you're aware of all the different variables involved in car towing.

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It's always terrible getting a boot clamped onto your ride. But this new idea for car immobilization sucks — literally.

By Chris Opfer

Towing a car may look easy, but there are a number of safety considerations you should take into account before you get started. Read on to learn how to tow a car safely!

By John Fuller

You have a lot to options to consider when you're towing your car. Do you need an aftermarket braking system or breakaway brakes? What kind of towing suits me best? Do I need practice?

By Josh Clark


When you tow a car, you have to consider a few things. How much does my cargo weigh? Do I have the proper insurance? Am I aware of the towing regulations in each state I'll be passing through?

By Josh Clark

The cheapest and easiest way to move a race car to the track is to put it in a trailer and tow it.

By Christopher Lampton

If you're planning to tow a two-wheel-drive vehicle, you should learn how to do it safely and without damaging the towed vehicle's transmission. Good thing you have a few options available.

By Scott C. Benjamin