Vehicle Towing
Vehicle towing varies depending on what type of vehicle is being towed. Towing a car is a lot different than towing a boat, so make sure that you know the differences between the various types of vehicle towing.
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It's always terrible getting a boot clamped onto your ride. But this new idea for car immobilization sucks - literally.
By Chris Opfer
How do you know what RPM to run if you want more power? Better towing? Better fuel efficiency. Find all the answers in this comprehensive gear ratio and tire size chart.
It's no secret that most RVs are big. Obviously, some RVs are much bigger than others, but regardless of size, what happens when you add the extra weight and length of another vehicle or even a trailer behind an RV?
When you're moseying down the highway with a heavy trailer hooked up to your truck, there are a dozen things that could go wrong. But don't worry about your tires going flat yet: The biggest culprit in towing trouble is you.
Dead weight and towed weight are terms that describe the maximum amount of weight that your vehicle can safely tow. There is a difference between the two, but that difference depends on your trailer hitch.
By Josh Clark
For impassioned towers among us, the debate over towing with an automatic or manual transmission is enough to start a riot. So it's not that heated, but it is a serious point to consider if you're going to haul a heavy load down the highway.
Towing a car may look easy, but there are a number of safety considerations you should take into account before you get started. Read on to learn how to tow a car safely!
By John Fuller
There's nothing like hitting the wide open road and exploring the country, particularly when your ride sports a cushy crash pad when you're making a 3,000-mile pilgrimage to the Grand Canyon. But what are the drawbacks?
By Josh Clark
We've talked about trailer towing, but you also need to maintain it. It's actually pretty easy: Just make sure that you keep it clean and lubricated, and take special care of your tires.
By Josh Clark
Towing another vehicle isn't easy, but there are some things you can do to make it easier. You might be surprised how simple they are.
By John Fuller
You have a lot to options to consider when you're towing your car. Do you need an aftermarket braking system or breakaway brakes? What kind of towing suits me best? Do I need practice?
By Josh Clark
It's easy to see horse towing as simply hauling another type of heavy cargo. You'll see just as easily that you must take many factors into consideration when hauling horses to avoid injury.
By Josh Briggs
Flatbed trailers are specially designed to haul extremely large cargo, particularly vehicles. But you could find yourself in trouble if you drive recklessly with badly secured cargo.
By Josh Briggs
It's taken some time, but you've finally learned the ins and outs of towing. Now that you're towing a motorcycle, forget all of them. Motorcycle and ATV towing come with a unique set of regulations and risks.
By Josh Clark
You can't wait to head out on that fishing trip in your RV, but you need to figure out some things first. Do you have enough insurance? Do you know the towing laws in each state you'll be driving through?
By Josh Clark
Maneuvering a fifth wheel trailer can be tricky. Here's how to do it right.
By Josh Briggs
When you tow a car, you have to consider a few things. How much does my cargo weigh? Do I have the proper insurance? Am I aware of the towing regulations in each state I'll be passing through?
By Josh Clark
It's generally illegal (and unsafe) to ride an ATV on the street, so you'll have to tow it to the trail. Here's how.
The cheapest and easiest way to move a race car to the track is to put it in a trailer and tow it.
Some people prefer sleeping in tents when they go camping. Others take the amenities of home with them. But towing a camper can be a challenge, if you aren't careful.
How do racing teams get their fancy cars to the track? They use fancy trailers, that's how. Some even have their own showers, kitchens and bathrooms.
As much as you love your motorcycle, you occasionally may want to tow it rather than ride it to get the bike from point A to point B. That's why you should pay attention to motorcycle towing safety.
By Robert Lamb
Whether you're moving your belongings cross-country or just want to get your prized Harley-Davidson to the bike show in one piece, you may need a motorcycle towing trailer. Do you know what your options are?
By Robert Lamb
A sweet boat with a showroom shine can be the consummate status symbol. Now you're dashing off to your maiden voyage. But what boat towing regulations should you know first?
By Jane McGrath
If you've seen one state's trailer towing regulations, you've seen 'em all, right? Just ask that guy with out-of-state license plates on his trailer -- who just got pulled over by the highway patrolman.
By Jane McGrath