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HowStuffWorks Illustrated: Zipper Merge

The zipper merge is best. Drivers should stay in their lane until the very last minute and then take turns entering the open lane.

How to Maintain Matte Car Paint

We're here to debunk the myth that matte finish paint is super- high maintenance. It just needs proper upkeep to truly shine.

Is There a Scientific Strategy for Finding a Good Parking Spot?

HowStuffWorks talks with some scientists to find out whether to drive around until you find a close parking spot or take the first thing you see.

How to Escape a Sinking Car

You're trapped in your car and it's sinking. Could you break a window to get out? HowStuffWorks talks to experts about your chances in this scenario.

Can You Hotwire a Late-model Car?

Is hotwiring a car as easy as it looks in those heist flicks? Yes and no. HowStuffWorks explains.

Porsche Joins Electric Vehicle Race With 2020 Taycan

Porsche unveiled its first electric sports car, the Taycan, and its plans for a sustainable future. HowStuffWorks checks out the new car.

10 Factors That Affect Your Car's Resale Value

Trying to sell or trade in your car? Lots of things you might not expect will influence how much you can get for it. HowStuffWorks talks 10 of them.

Is Parallel Parking Outdated?

Parallel parking can be stressful, whether you're dealing with your driving test or snagging the last spot on the street. Is parallel parking still necessary?

Meet the Adorable Honda E

The newest electric vehicle from Honda is a throwback to the 1970s Honda Civic, with more charming and endearing styling. HowStuffWorks fell hard.

Texas Law Would Let Parents Give Teen's Driving Test

If Texas HB 409 passes, parents could soon bypass the DMV and make their novice teens legal to drive. HowStuffWorks looks at the proposed Texas bill.

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