Search Results | Ford Truck

Your search for "Ford Truck" returned 268 results

1966-1991 Jensen Interceptor

The 1966-1991 Jensen Interceptor evolved as an independent British performance car. Find out what makes this limited-run collectible auto appealing.

10 Famous Cars and the Drivers Who Drove Them

Learn about famous cars and their famous (and sometimes infamous) drivers from television, the movies and even real life at HowStuffWorks.

How the GM Sunraycer Worked

GM's Sunraycer was a solar car ahead of its time. Read the history of the sunraycer and why it almost took General Motors down with it.

How the Toyota Prius Works

The Toyota Prius is one of the most popular hybrids available. Learn all about the Toyota Prius at HowStuffWorks.

How Lube Pumps for Towing Work

Lube pumps for towing protect your vehicle while it's being towed. Learn all about lube pumps for towing at HowStuffWorks.

1942-1944 Jeep: Jeep Enters World War II

The 1942-1944 Jeep entered World War II and became an instant success in battle. Learn about the versatility and war feats of the World War II jeep.

5 Innovations That Reduce Engine Vibrations

What causes engine vibrations? Keep reading to learn more about cars and 5 Innovations That Reduce Engine Vibrations.

Solar Panels Are Slowly Making Their Way on Cars

On a hot day, you could practically singe your fingers on your car's steering wheel. But what if all that heat could be leveraged to power its engine instead?

How Power Brake Conversion Works

Power brake conversion is an important aspect of braking. Find great facts about power brake conversion at HowStuffWorks.

How Force, Power, Torque and Energy Work

You find references to force, power, torque and energy all over the HowStuffWorks site. Learn what these terms really mean and how they relate to one another.

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